Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/241

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1346. Each clothed himself with each, they tested them on themselves; chain helmet and habergeon nought could dint; they struck the swords on iron, they cut it like cotton-thread. I tell you they prize them more than all the world; they would not barter them for it.

1347. They said: "As a sign this is enough for us; we are in good luck. God has gazed on us with His eye, looking down from above." They took up that armour, each put it on his neck[1]; they bound up one (set) with leather thongs to present to P'hridon.

1348. They took with them some gold, some rare pearls; they went forth, they sealed up the forty treasuries. Avt'handil said: "Henceforth will I fasten my palm to the sword[2]; nowhere shall I go to-night, when day dawns I shall not tarry."

1349. Now, painter, limn the sworn brothers[3] more steadfast than brothers, these lovers of stars,[4] excelled by none, both heroic knights renowned in bravery. When they go to Kadjet'hi you shall see a battle of piercing lances.[5]



1350. When day dawned they set out; they took Asmat'h with them. Till they came to Nuradin's land they mounted her behind them; there a merchant gave them a horse for a price in gold, he made not a gift of it. As guide[6] Avt'handil sufficed; whom else need he take!

1351. They wended their way and met with Nuradin's herdsmen, they saw the herd (of horses)[7]; it pleased them, who had come[8] for P'hridon. There said the Hindoo[9] to

  1. Kedi.
  2. ? "harden my palm with …;" nebi, 679, 1380.
  3. Dzmobilni, 1311.
  4. Mnat'hobt'ha, of celestial beauties.
  5. ? spurious quatrain. ? "you shall see battle, (men) pierced with lances."
  6. Qolaozi, P., 955.
  7. Djogi.
  8. Eaget'ha, traditional interpretation of Ch. and T'heimuraz; Car. finds the word unintelligible; Abul. says, eage = tsamosuli, mosuli gardmokhvetsili.
  9. Indo.