Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/246

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I don mine armour, I shall appear, I shall deceive them. God grant that I may make channels[1] of blood to flow generously in there!

1377. "Without any difficulty I shall remove the guards inside; you strike outside the gate, all like heroes; I shall shatter the locks,[2] I shall open, you will see the opening of the gate. If aught else would be better, say so; I am for a plan of this sort."

1378. Tariel said: "I recognize your heroism[3] exceeding that of heroes; your counsel and advice is like your own stout-heartedness; I know you desire fierce fight, not a vain brandishing[4] of swords, when the battle becomes perilous then are ye men.[5]

1379. "But let me too have some choice in the matter. The sound will be heard by her who maddens me; like the sun she will be standing aloft; you will have fierce fight, she will see me as a non-combatant! This will be a slur on me. Nay, speak no flattering words!

1380. "Better than that counsel is this—let us do as I[6] say: Let us divide the men by hundreds; when night turns to dawn let the three of us start out from three places, swiftly let us urge on our horses; they will send out to encounter us, we shall seem insignificant to them, we shall lend a powerful palm[7] to the sword.

1381. "Swiftly shall we engage them, we shall get round them; they will not be able to shut the gates against us; one of the three will go in, the others from outside will strike with battering-rams (?);[8] that one who is inside will fall on those within, making their blood flow; again let us lay hold of the arms mightily used by us!"

1382. P'hridon said: "I understand, I perceive, I know what (it is). None could forestall at the gates that horse that once was mine; when I gave it I knew not that we

  1. Ru, P.
  2. Clite, Gr. kleis, 1556.
  3. Gmiroba; gmiri, 1365.
  4. Ghiroba for ghereba.
  5. ? "then indeed should a man be with ye."
  6. Ch., chveni; Car., chemi.
  7. Nebi, palm of the hand, 1348.
  8. Garebsa, from gari, external, is Ch.'s reading: "strike those who are outside." Car. reads barebsa, with a battering-ram.