Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/253

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"What thanks can we utter! Prosperous be your state!"[1]

1417. Tariel rendered thanks with his tongue in fair words: "Greatly have I been pleased, O king; first at seeing you, then you have filled us with many fair kinds of gifts; I wot we did well not to pass by[2] afar off from you."

1418. The King of the Seas says: "O king, lion, valorous,[3] life of those near you,[4] slayer from afar of those that cannot look on you, what can I give you like unto yourself, O fair to look upon! When I am away from you what shall avail me, O desirable to be gazed on!"

1419. Tariel said to P'hatman: "I adopt thee as my sister. O sister, great is mine unpayable debt to thy heart! Now whatever treasure of the Kadjis I have brought[5] with me from Kadjet'hi I give it to thee, take it, I sell it not."

1420. Dame P'hatman made obeisance, she proffered exceeding great thanks: "O king, parting[6] from thee burns me with unquenchable fire. When I shall be away from thee what shall I do! Thou wilt leave me like one bereft of sense. Ah, blessed are those near thee; woe to him that cannot gaze on you."

1421. The two radiant ones spoke to the King of the Seas; their teeth were crystals, their lips as pearl-shells.[7] "When we are deprived of you we desire not merrymakings,[8] harps and kettledrums.[9] But give us leave, it is time, let us depart, we are in haste.

1422. "Be our father, parent and hope! But this indeed we beseech of thee: grant us a ship!" The king said: "I grudge not to give myself as earth for you (to

  1. Davla (dovlat'hi). A., P., happiness, wealth; davla also "to go about." Cf. 777, 1043; also cf. M., iv., Ode 1, 53, for davali, and Ode 9, 14, for davla.
  2. Chavla, cf. 924 for chavlena.
  3. Kveli, beneficent, brave, generous; 1016.
  4. Moakhle, 44, 716.
  5. Acideba, to load on a beast of burden; 999, 1057, 1413.
  6. Gaqra; Ch. reads nakhva, the sight, seeing.
  7. Sadap'hi, A., 836.
  8. Nishagi, banquet, joy.
  9. Nachag-dap'heni; Abul., na chang dap'heni; na, 178.