Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/260

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will not stay," quoth he; "vain is it for thee to speak of waiting!" It oppressed him; again the smoke and glow burned his heart. Thus respect is due to kings, devotion from knights.[1]

1460. Avt'handil went to beseech Taria on bended knee; he embraces his feet, he kisses them, he no longer looks up to his waist. He says: "What I have sinned against Rosten this year is enough; make me not again to be a breaker, a shatterer of loyalty.[2]

1461. "What thou desirest God's justice will not give thee. How can I dare do a treacherous deed to my fosterfather, how can I undertake aught against him who for my sake is become pale, how can the servant use his sword upon his master![3]

1462. "Such a deed will make discord between me and my beloved. Woe is me if she become angry, displeased, if wrath[4] compel her heart! (Then) will she even stint me of tidings, and make me languish for a sight of her. No man of flesh can exact forgiveness for me."

1463. Tariel, that radiant sun, spake laughing. He took Avt'handil's hand, raised him, set him on his feet: "Thy help hath done me every good, but it is better that thou also shouldst rejoice my joy with thine.[5]

1464. "I greatly hate too much fear, respect and ceremony in a friend, I hate unbroken[6] sternness, gloominess, majesty; if one be a hearty friend let him tend towards me;[7] if not, I for myself, he for himself, separation is much better.

1465. "I know the heart of thy beloved with regard to thee; the visit of me who have met thee will not displease her. Now I can venture to speak somewhat plausibly[8] to the king: I only desire to see the desirable sight of them.

  1. 293, 836, 837, 974, 1150, 1452, 1461; also Holldack, op. cit.
  2. Ert'hguloba, lit., "one-heartedness."
  3. 1459.
  4. Cushti, 10, 206; cf. kushi, 10, 794, 1506.
  5. I.e., "augment my joy by the sight of thine."
  6. Gautsqvetlad, uninterruptedly.
  7. "Let him make monazidoba towards me"; Car., monazidoba, attraction; Ch., nazidi, brought; zidva, to draw.
  8. Dchreli, variegated, 121, 161; Car. gives as equivalent tquili.