Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/43

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summoned all to the throne-room. What other did God create with generosity like unto his!

120. Avt'handil sat alone in his chamber, clad only in an under-garment[1]; he was singing and making merry, before him stood a harp.[2] To him came T'hinat'hin's black slave, and said: "She of the aloe form, the moon-faced[3] one, sends for thee."

121. Avt'handil was glad to hear this joyful news. He rose and donned his best and brightest coat.[4] He rejoiced to meet the rose; they had never yet met alone. Pleasant is it to gaze on beauty, and be near one beloved.

122. Proudly and boldly Avt'handil came to her; he was ashamed of none. He will see her for whom the tear of woe full oft had flowed. The peerless one sat mournful, she shone like lightning, her rays eclipsed the moon.

123. Her fair[5] form was clad in unlined ermine,[6] she wore negligently veils whose price it were hard to tell; but her black, heart-piercing[7] eyelashes and the thick,[8] long tresses which embraced her white throat were her real adornments.

124. Pensive she sat in her red[9] veil; she quietly greeted Avt'handil, and gently bade him be seated. The slave placed a seat;[10] he sat down modestly and respectfully. Face to face he gazed on her, full of great joy.

125. The knight said: "How indeed can I speak to one so dread! If the moon meet the sun it is consumed, it fades away.[11] I am no longer at leisure to think; I fear for myself. Tell me, then, why you are sad and what will relieve you."

  1. Perangi, P., shirt; 1331.
  2. Changi, P., 101, 472, 704.
  3. Mangi in Persian is "moon"; in Georgian, "pearl."
  4. Caba, caftan; dchreli, variegated; 1465, 161.
  5. Gadzrtzili, stripped, naked.
  6. Qargumi usapironi (Turkish qaqum, ermine), ? ermine on both sides.
  7. Gasagmironi, 23, 1269.
  8. Ar ukhshironi, not sparse, not infrequent.
  9. Coral-coloured—dzotseuli, 72, 524, 1439.
  10. Selni, plural of seli, ? Lat. sella.
  11. In Georgian mythology the sun is a female deity, and the moon male.