Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/48

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151. "I am slain by love and longing for T'hinat'hin; from the narcissus (eyes) hot tears moistened the frosted rose; I could not till now show my hidden woe, now has she bidden me hope, therefore thou seest me joyful.

152. "She said to me: 'Learn news of that lost knight, then come, I shall fulfil thy heart's desire; I want no husband save thee, a planted tree falls to my lot.'[1] She gave me the balm of my heart, until that moment bound captive.[2]

153. "First, I am a knight;[3] I wish[4] to go forth to serve my lady.[5] Faithfulness to kings is fitting, vassal must act as vassal;[6] then, she has extinguished the fire, my heart is no longer consumed to soot;[7] a man must not bend before misfortune, but meet it like a man.

154. "Of all lords and vassals thou and I are most friendly; therefore I entreat thee to hear this from mine own mouth; in my stead I appoint thee lord and chief over mine[8] armies, I could not entrust this matter to others.

155. "Lead forth the soldiers to battle, rule the nobles, send messengers to court telling the state of affairs, write letters in my stead, present priceless gifts; why should it be known that I am not here? (thou must not let my absence be perceived).

156. "Represent me in military duties and in the hunting-field, wait here for me three years, keep my secret; perchance indeed I shall return, my aloe-tree shall not fade;[9] but if I come not back, mourn me, weep for me, utter sighs.

157. "Tell the king forthwith—it is not a desirable

  1. Var. E. C., me kmrad ar minda ushenod rom khasi momkhvdes gulisa, as husband I want none but thee, who hast met me as the courtier of my heart.
  2. Car., dacargulisa, lost; var. E. C., dadagulisa, burned up.
  3. Qma.
  4. Var. E. C., mmart'hebs, it befits me.
  5. Patroni, Lat. patronus, sovereign, suzerain; 175, 288, 294, 374, 1559.
  6. Or, "a knight must act chivalrously" (knightly).
  7. Muri, 294, 315, 381, ? smoke.
  8. Adopting var. E. C. chemt'ha for skhvat'ha.
  9. ? reference to life token.