Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/58

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or like the moon meeting the sun, the sun of heavenly[1] light, for this cause he has extinguished his burning fires.

212. He drew nearer, he bethought himself how he might contrive the meeting: "Senseless converse yet more enrages a madman. If a wise man would compass a difficult deed, he must not lose his presence of mind and tranquillity.[2]

213. "Since yon man is so unreasoning and dazed that he suffers not any to speak with him or look on him, if I go up we shall meet only to slaughter each other, either he will kill me or I shall kill him; he will be still more hidden."

214. Avt'handil said: "Why should I suffer so many woes in vain? Whatever he is, it cannot be that he has no nests; let him go whithersoever he will, whatever walls encompass him there shall I seek him if my powers fail not."[3]

215. Two days and nights they fared, one behind, one before, wearied by day and by night, eating no food; nowhere they paused, not one moment of time, from their eyes tears flowed, moistening the plains.

216. One day they travelled, and at eventide high rocks appeared. In the rocks were caves, in front a stream flowed down, it was not possible to say how many rushes were at the water's edge, tall trees whose tops eye could not reach rose high against the rock.

217. The knight made for the cave; he passed the streams and rocks. Avt'handil alighted from his horse, he betook himself to the great trees, he climbed up to look, at the foot he tethered his horse, thence he watched; that knight went shedding tears.

218. When the knight, the panther-skin-clad, passed the

  1. For zesit'ha some read zezit'ha, and the phrase would then mean "the sun, the most brilliant of lights, apparelled in cloth of gold." Cf. Abul., p. 172 (?).
  2. Or, "inspire hatred and disturb peace of mind by reproaches."
  3. Or, "seek some other means which would succeed." The reading is dasamrudeni, but if we accept Car., dasamdureni, the passage runs,, "means which will not anger him."