Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/77

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for myself. I fell, I fainted, force was fled from mine arms and shoulder. When I came back to life I heard the voice of weeping and woe; the household[1] surrounded me like one who is embarking on a ship.

337. "I lay in a fair bed in a great chamber; the king and queen wept over me with undrying tears, they scratched their faces with their hands, tearing their cheeks; mullahs[2] sat round, they called my sickness bewitchment of Beelzebub.[3]

338. "When the king saw mine eyes open he embraced my neck; he said to me with tears: 'My son, my son, dost thou indeed live? Speak one word!' I could give no answer; like a madman I was greatly affrighted. Again I fell into a faint; blood rushed into my heart.

339. "All the muqris and mullahs[4] watched round me, in their hands they held the Koran,[5] all of them read; they thought I was struck by the Adversary of mankind,[6] I know not of what they raved. For three days I was lifeless; inextinguishable fires burned me.

340. "The doctors[7] also marvelled, saying: 'What manner of sickness is this? Nothing medicable afflicts him; some melancholy has laid hold of him.' Sometimes I leaped up like a madman, I uttered idle words. The queen poured forth tears enough to make a sea.

341. "For three days was I in the palace neither alive nor dead; then understanding came back to me, I remembered what had befallen me; I said: 'Alas! in what a plight am I, despairing[8] of life!' I prayed the Creator for patience; I ventured to make a discourse of entreaty.

342. "I said: 'O God! abandon me not, hearken to my supplication, give me strength to endure that I may rise a little; to stay here will reveal my secret; let me reach home!' He did so and I mended; I steeled my wounded heart.

  1. Djalabi, A.
  2. Muqri, A., 339.
  3. Gamabelzebeli.
  4. Mulimi, A.
  5. Musap'hi, A., 514, 1144.
  6. I.e., possessed by the devil.
  7. Akimi, A., 644.
  8. ? Bereft.