Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/87

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even now know me thine by these firm promises; I assure thee of this by great vows and oaths; if I deceive thee may God make me earth, may I not sit in the nine[1] heavens!

400. "'Go, attack the Khatavians, fight and make raids; may God grant that thou be victorious, come (back) to me of good cheer.[2] But what shall I do until it falls to my lot to look upon thee again! Give me thy heart undivided; take mine for thyself.'

401. "'Now, that of which thou hast deemed me worthy no human being deserves; this grace is unexpected, from God this does not surprise me; thy rays have flooded my dark heart and made it translucent; thine shall I be till the earth cover my face.'

402. "Upon the book of oaths I swore and she swore to me; thus she confirmed her love to me: 'If any save thee give pleasure to my heart may God slay me, henceforth thus will I speak to myself, thus will I train myself.'

403. "I stayed some time before her, we spoke sweet words, we ate some pleasant fruit, talking one to the other; then weeping and shedding tears I rose to depart, the beauties of her rays were spread like light in my heart.

404. "It irked me to go far from her crystal and ruby and glass.[3] The world was renewed to me, I had an abundance of joy; that light appearing in ether as sun seemed to be mine; now I am surprised that being separated from her I have (still) a heart like a steep rock.[4]

405. "In the morning I mounted, I commanded the trumpet[5] and bugle[6] to be sounded; I cannot tell thee of all the armies nor of their readiness to mount[7]; I, a lion, set forth for Khataet'hi, none can accuse me of cowardice; the soldiers marched without a road, they followed no track[8] (?).

406. "I crossed the boundaries of India, I went on a

  1. The number nine is the favourite in folk-tales; 1167, 1441, 1565. Cf. 608, 1285, seven heavens.
  2. Mordchmuli, M., gay, joyous.
  3. Mina.
  4. Tini, 731.
  5. Buci, P., 46, 168, 1017.
  6. Noba, A., 850, 1170.
  7. ? "I cannot describe the splendour of all the armies at the review."
  8. Cf. 511.