Page:Manchester of today (1888).djvu/202

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ooo MANCHESTER. number, says : Tho Win ary contents of tho number below iin are of more than ordinary ftxoollenoo. They compriso stori< s and anecdotes received in iIik |>ri/.iM-iimn< tition* which iho journal promotes for its readors ; prize recipes ami rules of etiquette Mniilurly obtained j two of u series pi ;nti< Irs on Men and Women of the Tim* *!, with portraits of tho Empress Kugonio und Mr. John Morloy, — selected, wn presume, on tin* principle that i xireim s not only do hut ought to meet ; a des( ription (also illustrated) of Buflab. Hill and his Manchester Show ; letters on Fashions and the Household ; and, not to put too lim a p < i n t on it, odd paragraphs about 'everything olSO under the fan I ' It is nut tho contents of tho Magazine^ however, Unit most favourably impress us : it in tho omissions ! Wo may. indeed. Confetti that wo wore must agreeably MirpriHod to find that noiio of tho contents are mero ' put)* • of tho proprietors. Mom and then 1 , of course, there is an advertisement ; but thorn in no degradation of litoiaiy talent into a mere trick of trade, none of that practical j<. king with readers which usually earns lor these gifts of enterprising eominereu a shoulder-phrugging Timet* I hitmen! We tdmll look forward with interest to tho futuro numbora of this literary venture. Although Messrs. Molia have opened a shop in St. Helen*, nnd will, no (loabt, attract many of our readers as customers, wo welcome rather than deprecate tho diffusion Of thoir magazine. It deals onl , of course, with tho gonoral : our mission Lioa (and that, more and more) with the local ; and so, tor us, and Melius Majamm , and fur all our other contemporaries, there is, in our opinion, an ample Bold* 91 L ins W. WaecUtcr & Co., Oil and Asbestos Manu- facturers and Importers, 84, City Koad. — Tho firm of Louis W. Wacchter iv t 'o. h is now been established close upon a quarter of a cen- tury — namely, since tho year 18n6. They are manufacturers) and im- porters of Inraii iting oils, also of asbestos. This firm are munufacturora of tho following :— Spinplx Oil. Oyxixmh Oh. Loom Oa. Valvi: Oil. Machine On Vvrt uai. Tin Oil F.NOIM: < Ml.. RSFINBI) OOXZA, ToitCH, OB ONEM Shafting: On.. Daiik Nattkal MaohINS, Bk- Lamv Oir,. Amitsios Knoink Oil. Asiustos Cymnmsu Oil. I Oastou On., finest quality (in ori- ginal cases). Paraffin Wax, Puue Olkink, on Wool On.. OINB, AN)) SlIAFTINO OlL- LramcATnfO kIinfral Oil. I>oi>»lk RB7XHBD Gallitoli Oil Kevin w> Laud Oil. RSFIKSD Nkatsfoot Oil. Tirown, Yellow, or Whito Hi fined Tallow, Machinery Wheel Grease, and Water-wheel Grease. We may remark that what is known as the •* Spindle Oil M is ono of tho firm's specialities. By its use the very highest rate of spoed can bo secured, with u minimum of friction, thus reducing considerably the cost of wear and tear, independont of the other advantages. This oil is consumed in great quantities by cotton-spinners, doubters, woollen manufacturers, &c. Another speciality is their M Cylin- der Oil," of which they manufacture several qualities in order to suit the various temperat ures to which they arc exposed. For instance, Messrs. Louis Wacchter & Co. maintain that tho same oil cannot he used advan- tageously for c lindcrs where the boiler pressure is, say 40 lbs., and in cylinders where it is f>0 lbs. In the first-named tho temperature in the ( y lindcrs is perhaps 3G0 P Fahrenheit, while in tho latter the temperature is about 0OQ 0 or G00° Fahrenheit. Aa every one knows, all fluids attenuate under heat. Tho question then arises, to what extent is the body of the oil reduced at this heightened temperature. Messrs. Waeehtcr & Co. have given tho matter long attention, and their theory has been proved in practice to be correct. They guarantee to supply the best cylinder oil for each special case on the consumor stating the boiler pressure. Their efforts have been thoroughly appreciated by the consumers of this class of oil, as is evidenced by the important connection which has been formed. The firm manufacture the following articles in asbestos: — ASHESTOM MlLLnOARI) ANI> MlLL- ASBESTOS A>'D INDIA-RUBBER Wo- uoAitn Rings ok Washers. vrx Sheeting Kings ok Wash- ers. Asbestos and India-kvbber Wo- ven Tape, Asbestos Fibre, Cloth, Pctty, Cement, and Paint, Asbestos Boiler Covering COM- POSITION. Asuestos Plaited Hope Packing and Block Packing, with or without Rubber Core. Asbestos Wick or Yarn Pack- ing and India-kcbher Woven Sheeting. Patent A ?bkstos 0 om r ov n d Sheeting. Besides haying introduced some Specialities for calico printers and others. Our limited space prevents us from entering into any descriptive state- ment showing the acknowledged superiority of asbestos over any other known article for the purposes to which it is applied, but the firm under notice have issued a printed catalogue which gives ihe fullest information on the subject, and the same may be obtained free of cost on application ; and the catalogue also contains a descriptive list of their oils, greases, &e. The firm carry on an extensive business and employ an efficient staff, and the reputation of the concern is second to none in the kingdom. Mr. L. W. Wacchter tikes the entire management of the business, and it is conducted with skill and ability and upoa the highest lines of commer- cial honour and probity. We may observe, in passing, that what are termed ,4 lubricating oils," or 11 fatty oils,"' even in spite of careful prepa- ration, am liable to nxMizo in tho air, tho roiult bolng tho production of

i Kind 11I gummy matter possesses acidity. By grout imnrovemontu

in tho manufacture and mothod of purifying now mloptod, t hi* drawback has been surmounted, and Mossm Waechtor Hi Co, huvn a wido in lohrity for their oils of this description, |q which the V do Q huge and growing < trndo. In conclusion, wo will only odd that Mr. Louis W. Wuoohti r im & gentleman well known In Manchester in morcantilu circles, uml ho is 1'opularand n j < < lod in tho city. Richard Ktiowles & Sou, Wine and Spirit aud Ale ana Tortor Mcrchiintn, 28, Btrutt Street • W im S, spirits, ale, and ]>oii^ r are articles of daily consumption that ari' pr<>bably tho most didicult to got ubsolutolj pun and genuine, and it is thorofore very gratifying td find ( Ji it the tradr of Munehi tter in this direction is in the highest nUU of excellence and of considerable extent. A well-know n firm engaged in this way is that of UeaSTSJ. Bichard FCnowloS and Son, which w&fl originally estahlishod in this city over forty years ago, earriod OH] for a OOnildotftblo time as MeHKrs. ICnowlcs *V Simmons, and about eight* con years ago aid r • I to present title- Tho promises occupied aro lingo and commodious;, comprising oflices and cellars, tho former well furnished and presenting a very prosperous appearance. Tho collars are very extensive and conUiin a largo and valuable stock of wines of tha choicest vintages, and spirits, alon, and jioiter* of tho finest, brands. Messrs. Knowles & Son also carry on business as cigar merchants, and their promises contain 11 vast number of boxes bearing the imprint ol tho dealing importers and manufacturers. The linn has a splendid reputa- tion lor the reliability ami parity of its goods, and enjoys an influential] connection in all pints of tint country. The solo member of tho firm is M. Joseph Hamilton Kuovlc«, a gentleman of groat ability and jiii acknowledged judgo of wines &o. Ho is well known in tho mercantile world, and is highly respocted for his honour and sincerity, ami he is looked upon as the proprietor of one of tho best cellurs in tho city. Andrew Tullerton & Co., Manufacturers and Mer- ciianta, ju, P. Mint 1 in Street. — Thin thriving and reputable concern wau oru ginnlly established in the neighbourhood of Spring (lardens lifteen yearn ago. The business was carried on then- until 1882, when a removal was made U) their present commodious ami handwum lv appointed premiHes. As iiiauufact an is of and men liaiits in all varieties of woollen and cotton goods, Andrew Fullorton & Go. have now a widespread and valuable] reputation. The material supplied l»y thcni i^ invariably of the very 1 quality, and their charges are reasonably moderate. The m inagom of the concern does credit to the proprietors. A good staff of hkill workmen < h.-pt in regular employment, ('uatonii r- will find themselv treated in every way by this firm in an exceptionally Kutr*fuet<jry manner, and thoir orders attended to with all promptitude and every care. McDonnell & Webster, Job, Fent, aud General Me chants, Kridgcwater Buildings, Albert Square. — This firm has been estab lished some six or seven years, and its trade is steadily increasing, th business being now one of the largest of its kind in the city. Tho busi ness was formerly carried on by Mr. McDonnell, but Mr. Webster recently joined the rirm. tho title of which has consequently been changed asabovfl Since Mr. Webster became a partner the business has boon raised to its present commodious location. The trade is both homo and shipping. Skilful buying ensures an attractive stock of cheap goods, bo that tho Albert Square stores, conveniently situated as they arc, urc regularly visitd by buyers from all the country districts, and on market days especially present a crowded and busy scone. The goods are for the most part fesfl of grey, bleached, and printed calicoes, crotonnes, jeans, drills, eattcens, and ticks, checks and stripes ; with what are known in the trade as cloth! ends, and remnants of velvets, velveteens, and silks in choice goods and frequently in best colourings. Messrs. McDonnell and Webster are' experienced buyers well known to most merchants and manufacturers. Groves & Whitnall, Brewers, Regent Road Brewery, Salford. — Brewing is a very important branch of industry in Manchester and the trade is of vast proportions and in a nourishing condition. Among the leading brewing firms a prominent place is occupied by that of Mcssrfl Groves &. Whitnall, which has enjoyed a most prosperous career for twenty years. The brewery is very hrrge, and one of the oldest established ui the district, is admirably equipped with the most perfect brewing machinery and appliances, and no expense has been spared in making the place a thorough model. A staff of one hundred aud thirfl men are constantly employed in the various processes of brewing ana delivering ales, beers, stouts, and porters, and these liquors are highly esteemed for their strength, quality, and inaturenes*, and are in grot demand. Every care i* taken in the selection of the mat* rials, and every operation is carefully superintended- The trade done is widespread and steadily increasing. The members of the firm, Messrs. William Orinibw Groves, Arthur William Whitnall, and James Grimble Groves, *4 gentlemen thoroughly versed in all the details of brewing. They • sedulously employed in maintaining the high standard of then- liqu of e ance rd- minent status, commercially and financially, and tbev act in ftocoa e with the motto of their crest, * 4 Industry and Integrity."