Page:Manfred, a dramatic poem (IA manfreddramaticp04byro).pdf/22

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As music on the waters; and I see
The steady aspect of a clear large star;
But nothing more. Approach me as ye are,
Or one, or all, in your accustom'd forms.

Spirit. We have no forms beyond the elements
Of which we are the mind and principle:
But choose a form—in that we will appear.

Man. I have no choice; there is no form on earth
Hideous or beautiful to me. Let him,
Who is most powerful of ye, take such aspect
As unto him may seem most fitting.—Come!

Seventh Spirit. (Appearing in the shape of a
beautiful female figure). Behold!

Man. Oh God! if it be thus, and thou
Art not a madness and a mockery,
I yet might be most happy.—I will clasp thee,
[The figure vanishes.And we again will be——
My heart is crushed!
[Manfred falls senseless. 

(A voice is heard in the Incantation which follows.)

When the moon is on the wave,
And the glow-worm in the grass,
And the meteor on the grave,
And the wisp on the morass;