Page:Manfred, a dramatic poem (IA manfreddramaticp04byro).pdf/44

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Man.To do this thy power
Must wake the dead, or lay me low with them.
Do so—in any shape—in any hour—
With any torture—so it be the last.

Witch. That is not in my province; but if thou
Wilt swear obedience to my will, and do
My bidding, it may help thee to thy wishes.

Man. I will not swear—Obey! and whom? the spirits
Whose presence I command, and be the slave
Of those who served me—Never!

Witch.Is this all?
Hast thou no gentler answer?—Yet bethink thee,
And pause ere thou rejectest.

Man.I have said it.

Witch. Enough!—I may retire then—say!

[The Witch disappears.

Man. (alone) We are the fools of time and terror: Days
Steal on us and steal from us; yet we live,
Loathing our life, and dreading still to die.
In all the days of this detested yoke—
This vital weight upon the struggling heart,
Which sinks with sorrow, or beats quick with pain,
Or joy that ends in agony or faintness—