Page:Manfred, a dramatic poem (IA manfreddramaticp04byro).pdf/52

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And we are vigilant—Thy late commands
Have been fulfill'd to the utmost.

Enter Manfred.

A Spirit.What is here?
A mortal!—Thou most rash and fatal wretch,
Bow down and worship!

Second Spirit.I do know the man—
A Magian of great power, and fearful skill!

Third Spirit. Bow down and worship, slave!—What, know'st thou not
Thine and our Sovereign?—Tremble, and obey!

All the Spirits. Prostrate thyself, and thy condemned clay,
Child of the Earth! or dread the worst.

Man.I know it;
And yet ye see I kneel not.

Fourth Spirit.'Twill be taught thee.

Man. 'Tis taught already,—many a night on the earth,
On the bare ground, have I bow'd down my face,
And strew'd my head with ashes; I have known
The fulness of humiliation, for
I sunk before my vain despair, and knelt
To my own desolation.

Fifth Spirit.Dost thou dare