Page:Manfred, a dramatic poem (IA manfreddramaticp04byro).pdf/56

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I cannot speak to her—but bid her speak—
Forgive me or condemn me.

By the power which hath broken
The grave which enthrall'd thee,
Speak to him who hath spoken,
Or those who have call'd thee!

Man.She is silent,
And in that silence I am more than answered.

Nem. My power extends no further. Prince of air!
It rests with thee alone—command her voice.

Ari. Spirit—obey this sceptre!

Nem.Silent still!
She is not of our order, but belongs
To the other powers. Mortal! thy quest is vain,
And we are baffled also.

Man.Hear me, hear me—
Astarte! my beloved! speak to me:
I have so much endured—so much endure—
Look on me! the grave hath not changed thee more
Than I am changed for thee. Thou lovedst me
Too much, as I loved thee: we were not made