Page:Manfred, a dramatic poem (IA manfreddramaticp04byro).pdf/58

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I fear them not, and feel for thee alone—
Speak to me! though it be in wrath;— but say—
I reck not what— but let me hear thee once—
This once— once more!

Phantom of Astarte. Manfred!

Man.Say on, say on—
I live but in the sound—it is thy voice!

Phan. Manfred! To-morrow ends thine earthly ills.

Man. Yet one word more—am I forgiven?

Phan. Farewell!

Man.Say, shall we meet again?

Phan. Farewell!

Man. One word for mercy! Say, thou lovest me.

[The Spirit of Astarte disappears.Phan. Manfred!

Nem.She's gone, and will not be recall'd;
Her words will be fulfill'd. Return to the earth.

A Spirit. He is convulsed—This is to be a mortal
And seek the things beyond mortality.

Another Spirit. Yet, see, he mastereth himself, and makes
His torture tributary to his will.
Had he been one of us, he would have made
An awful spirit.