Page:Manfred, a dramatic poem (IA manfreddramaticp04byro).pdf/70

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And shine, and set in glory. Fare thee well!
I ne'er shall see thee more. As my first glance
Of love and wonder was for thee, then take
My latest look: thou wilt not beam on one
To whom the gifts of life and warmth have been
Of a more fatal nature. He is gone:
[Exit Manfred.I follow.


The Mountains.— The Castle of Manfred at somedistance.—
A Terrace before a Tower.—Time, Twilight

Herman, Manuel, and other Dependants of Manfred.

Her. 'Tis strange enough; night after night, for years,
He hath pursued long vigils in this tower,
Without a witness. I have been within it,—
So have we all been oft-times; but from it,
Or its contents, it were impossible
To draw conclusions absolute, of aught
His studies tend to. To be sure, there is
One chamber where none enter; I would give