Page:Manfred, a dramatic poem (IA manfreddramaticp04byro).pdf/73

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Enter the Abbot.

Abbot. Where is your master?

Her. Yonder, in the tower.

Abbot. I must speak with him.

Manuel.'Tis impossible;
He is most private, and must not be thus
Intruded on.

Abbot.Upon myself I take
The forfeit of my fault, if fault there be—
But I must see him.

Her.Thou hast seen him once
This eve already.

Abbot.Herman! I command thee,
Knock, and apprize the Count of my approach.

Her. We dare not.

Abbot. Then it seems I must be herald
Of my own purpose.

Manuel.Reverend father, stop—
I pray you pause.

Abbot.Why so?

Manuel.But step this way,
[Exeunt.And I will tell you further.