Page:Manfred, a dramatic poem (IA manfreddramaticp04byro).pdf/81

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Born from the knowledge of its own desert.
Thou didst not tempt me, and thou couldst not tempt me;
I have not been thy dupe nor am thy prey—
But was my own destroyer, and will be
My own hereafter.—Back, ye baffled fiends!
The hand of death is on me—but not yours!
[The Demons disappear. 

Abbot. Alas! how pale thou art—thy lips are white—
And thy breast heaves—and in thy gasping throat
The accents rattle—Give thy prayers to heaven—
Pray—albeit but in thought,—but die not thus.

Man. 'Tis over—my dull eyes can fix thee not;
But all things swim around me, and the earth
Heaves as it were beneath me. Fare thee well—
[Manfred expires.Give me thy hand.

Abbot.Cold—cold—even to the heart—
But yet one prayer—alas! how fares it with thee?—
He's gone—his soul hath ta'en its earthless flight—
Whither? I dread to think—but he is gone.