Page:Manfred, a dramatic poem (IA manfreddramaticp04byro).pdf/85

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Note 1, page 31, line 1.

———— the sunbow's rays still arch
The torrent with the many hues of heaven.

This iris is formed by the rays of the sun over the lower part of the Alpine torrents: it is exactly like a rainbow, come down to pay a visit, and so close that you may walk into it:—this effect lasts till noon.

Note 2, page 35, line 9.

He who from out their fountain dwellings raised
Eros and Anteros, at Gadara.

The philosopher Iamblicus. The story of the raising of Eros and Anteros may be found in his life, by Eunapius. It is well told.

Note 3, page 39, line 21.

————she replied
In words of dubious import, but fulfilled.

The story of Pausanias, king of Sparta, (who commanded the Greeks at the battle of Platea, and afterwards perished