Page:Manual of parliamentary practice.djvu/11

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INDEX TO THE MANUAL s Motion, not to be put or debated until seconded i to be reduced to writing, if desired to be read for information to adjourn, not in order when a member has the floor . : privileged, what shall be.— See questions Page 56 57 57 <6 o Officers of either House, forms of nomination or election 'of one House, not amenable to the other Order, "instances make" . respecting papers. — See papers fa debate. — See debate . questions of, may be adjourned . • • decision of Speaker on points of, may be controlled a member may insist on the execution of a subsisting question of, to supercede a question depending . and Resolution; distinction between . • of one House, requiring concurrence of the other, (except for adjournment) to be pre- sented for approval Order* of the dav, how, and when to be called up may be discharged at any time of the House, determined with the session ?2 50 43 43 44 53 52 53 84 55 313 5U 51 51 Papers and Journals, not to be removed from Clerk's table rules respecting their preservation reading of, how fur they may be called for referred, usually read by title to be left with the conferees of the House accedin to the conference asked Parliament, each House of, may adjourn independently ot the other . Petition and remonstrance, distinction to be presented by a member, <yc. the member presenting, to state its contents to be subscribed or written by petitioner President of the Senate, provided by the Constitution may appoint chairman pro tempore to be chosen in the absence of the Vice President . i at what time bis office shall determine of the United Statcs.shall give information to Congress . 43 43 73 74 119 125 55 55 55 55 32 33 33 34