Page:Manual of parliamentary practice.djvu/8

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index to the manual.
  1. Page
  2. Bills, part of, may be committed
  3. amendments to, how considered and proceeded on68,92,113
  4. amendments to fall by a reference, in Committee of the Whole, to Special Committee68
  5. amendments to, may be insisted on, or adhered to123
  6. amendments to, cannot be receded from or insisted on, by the amending House, with a further amendment114
  7. amendments to an amendment has precedence over a motion to agree or disagree115
  8. amendments to amendments, how far admissable115
  9. proceedings upon, in Committee of the Who'e, &c.68
  10. third reading of, at what hour99
  11. on third reading, may be recommitted100
  12. on third read amended by riders100
  13. on third reading, blanks in may be filled100
  14. titles, when made101
  15. reconsideration may be moved by one of the majority, or of the prevailing side109,133
  16. reconsideration, at what time to be moved109
  17. reconsideration, effect of a vote for109
  18. (rejected) relating to their being brought in during the same session.—See 13th Joint Rule109
  19. originating in one House, rejected in the other, may be renewed in the rejecting House109
  20. expedients for remedying omissions in110
  21. mode of proceeding, when founded on facts requiring explanation113
  22. effect of a vote to insist or adhere113
  23. conferences upon, at what stages, and by whom asked116
  24. papers relating to, to be left with the conferees of the House acceding to the conference117
  25. enrolling122
  26. proceedings when disapproved122
  27. not returned in ten days, to be laws, unless an adjournment intervene133
  28. Blanks, construction of the rule filling
  29. Business, a settled order in its arrangement useful


  1. Call of the House, proceedings in case of
  2. Chairman may be temporarily appointed in Senate
  3. Committee, a member elect, although not sworn, may be appointed on
  4. may elect their chairman34
  5. Committees, standing
  6. forms and proceedings of34,62
  7. joint, how they act35
  8. who shall compose61
  9. how appointed in Senate61