Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/1155

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Callus. (1.) Any abnormally thickened part. (2.) In grasses, applied to a swelling or extension of the flowering glumes at their insertion on the axis or rhachilla of the spikelet.

Calycine. Pertaining to or resembling a calyx.

Calyculate. Having a whorl of bracts outside the true calyx and resembling it.

Calyptrate. Hood-like, or bearing a hood or cap.

Calyx. The outer series of floral envelopes.

Campanulate. Bell-shaped.

Campylotropal, Campylotropous. Applied to an ovule when one end has grown faster than the other, so as to cause the apex (or micropyle) to curve inwards and approach the hilum.

Canaliculate. Having a longitudinal groove or channel.

Capillary. Very slender and hair-like.

Capitate. (1.) Having a rounded head. (2.) Growing in heads, as the flowers of Compositæ.

Capitellate. The diminutive of "capitate."

Capsule. A dry many-seeded seed-vessel, sphtting into valves.

Capsular. Having fruit of the nature of a capsule.

Carina. The name applied to the keel, or the two cohering anterior petals of a papilionaceous flower.

Carinate. Keeled.

Carpel. A simple pistil, or that element of a compound pistil which answers to a single leaf.

Carpophore. A portion of the axis or receptacle elongated between the carpels and protruding beyond them, as in Geranium and many Umbelliferæ.

Cartilaginous. Firm and tough; resembling cartilage.

Caruncle. A wart or prominence near the base or hilum of a seed.

Carunculate. Having a caruncle.

Caryopsis. A small one-celled and one-seeded fruit with a thin, closely adherent pericarp; the fruit of grasses.

Catkin. A deciduous spike consisting of unisexual apetalous flowers.

Caudate. Tailed; drawn out into a tail-like appendage.

Caudex. The axis of a plant, consisting of the stem and root; the stem of a palm or tree-fern.

Caudicle. In orchids, applled to the slender often strap-shaped body connecting the pollen-masses with the rostellum.

Cauline. On or belonging to the stem; frequently applied to leaves growing on the stem, as opposed to those springing from near the root.

Cell. (1.) An independent portion of protoplasm, bounded by a wall of cellulose, and containing a nucleus; the unit of all cellular structure. (2) A cavity or separate enclosure, as of an ovary or anther.

Cellular. Composed of minute cells.

Centrifugal. Applied to an inflorescence which develops from the centre outwards, as the cyme.

Centripetal. Applied to an inflorescence which develops from the margin towards the centre, or from the base towards the summit, as the corymb, raceme, &c.

Cernuous. Nodding, but hardly pendulous.

Channelled. Having a longitudinal groove like a gutter.

Chartaceous. Papery; having the texture of paper.

Chlorophyll. The green colouring matter within the cells of plants.

Ciliate. Having the margin (and sometimes the nerves) fringed with hairs.

Ciliolate. Fringed with minute hairs.

Cinereous. Ashy-grey.

Circinate. Coiled from the tip into a spiral, as the young fronds of ferns.

Circumscissile. Opening by a transverse circular line.

Cirrhate, Cirrhose. Bearing tendrils.

Cladode. A flattened branch simulating a leaf.