Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/1159

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Feathery. Plumose; having long hairs which are themselves hairy, as the pappus of Taraxacum.

Fenestrate. Pierced with holes, like windows in a wall.

Ferruginous. Rust-coloured.

Fertile. Capable of producing fruit; also applied to stamens which produce pollen capable of fertilising ovules.

Fibrous. Containing a great proportion of woody fibre.

Filament. (1.) The stalk or support of an anther. (2.) Any thread-like body.

Filamentous. Composed of threads or filaments.

Filiform. Thread-shaped.

Fimbriate. Having the margin fringed with narrow processes.

Fistular, Fistulose. Hollow and cylindrical; reed-like.

Flabellate, Flabelliform. Fan-shaped.

Flaccid. Flabby; limp.

Flagelliform. Long and slender, like a whip-lash.

Flexuose. Bent or curved alternately in opposite directions.

Floccose. Bearing tufts or locks of woolly hairs.

Floret. A small fiower, one of a cluster or head.

Floriferous. Flower-bearing.

Fœtid. Having a strong and disagreeable smell.

Foliaceous. Having the texture or form of a leaf.

Foliate. Leafy; clothed with leaves.

Foliolate. Having leaflets.

Follicle. A fruit consisting of a single carpel, dehiscing by the ventral suture.

Follicular. Resembling a follicle.

Food-stalk. A petiole, pedicel, or other slender support.

Forked. Branching into two divergent divisions.

Foveate. Pitted: marked with depressions.

Frond. The foliage of ferns and other Cryptogams.

Fructification. Fruiting; the organs concerned in the production of fruit.

Fruticose. Shrubby.

Fugacious. Soon falling off or perishing: of short duration.

Fulvous. Tawny; dull-yellow with a mixture of gray or brown.

Funicle. The stalk connecting the ovule or seed with the placenta.

Furcate. Forked; having divergent branches like the prongs of a fork.

Furfuraceous. Scurfy; provided with soft scales.

Fusiform. Thick, but tapering towards each end; spindle-shaped.

Galea. A petal shaped like a helmet.

Gamopetalous. Applied to a corolla in which the petals are more or less united.

Gamosepalous. Having the sepals more or less united.

Geminate. Arranged in pairs; binate.

Generic. Relating to the genus.

Geniculate. Bent like the knee.

Genus. A clearly defined group of naturally allied species.

Gibbous. Protuberant; swelling out into a pouch or sac.

Glabrous. Having no hairs or pubescence; smooth.

Glabrate. Becoming glabrous.

Glabrescent. Almost glabrous.

Gladiate. Sword-shaped; ensiform.

Gland. Any secreting structure, whether depressed or prominent, on any part of a plant.

Glandular. Possessing glands; gland-like.

Glaucescent. Becoming glaucous or sea-green.

Glaucous. Of a sea-green colour.

Globose, Globular. Spherical or nearly so.

Glochidiate. Applied to hairs that are barbed at the end.