Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/1197

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936 Hymenophyllum rufescens. — Kelly's Hill, Westland, Dr. Cockayne.

952 Alsophila lunulata. — In Asa Gray's "Botany of the United States Exploring Expedition " this is stated to have been collected at the Bay of Islands — no doubt tlirough some mistake. It is a native of Fiji, New Caledonia, Samoa. &c.

962 Adiantuir hispidulum. — Add to the synonyms A. Bir- kenheadii. Moore in Gard. Chron. (1886) 648.

980 Lomaria capensis. — Mr. J. H. Macmahon sends a beau- tifully crested variety from the Pelorus Valley, Marlborough.

1005 Nephrodium unitum. — Piako Swamp, H. C. Field. (See Trans. N.Z. Inst, xxxvii. 377.)

1016 Gymnogramme rutaefolia. — Gorge of the Waimakariri, Canterbury, Dr. Cockaijiie.

1022 Schizsea bifida. — The filamentous prothallium of this species has been described by Professor A. P. W. Thomas in the Annals of Botany for 1902, in a communication entitled " An Alga-like Prothalhum " (p. 165).

1038 Lycopodium Drummondii. — Outlet of Lake Tongonge, near Kaitaia, B. H. Matthews ! This is an interesting re- discovery, the species having completely eluded the search of New Zealand botanists since it was first collected by Mr. Colenso in 1839.