Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/362

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South Island: Canterbury—Mount Cook, alt. 6500ft., Rev. W. S. Green.

This is quite unknown to me, and in the absence of additional information I have reproduced Mr. Kirk's description. It was discovered during the Rev. W. S. Green's adventurous ascent of Mount Cook, and has not since been met with.


Hoary or woolly annual or perennial herbs. Leaves alternate, quite entire. Heads rather small, corymbose or fascicled or solitary, heterogamous and discoid. Involucre ovoid or canipanulate; braces imbricate in several series, more or less scarious, the inner sometimes with white spreading tips. Receptacle naked or pitted. Florets of the circumference all female, in 2 or more rows, numerous, filiform, minutely 3–4-toothed. Disc-florets hermaphrodite, fewer in number, tubular with a funnel-shaped 5-toothed mouth. Anthers sagittate at the base, produced into fine tails. Style-branches of the disc-florets nearly terete, truncate or capitate. Achenes oblong or obovoid, not ribbed. Pappus-hairs in one series, slender or thickened at the tip, caducous, often connate at the base.

A large genus, spread over the whole world, hardly distinguishable from Helichrysum and others except by the more numerous female flowers. Of the New Zealand species two are widely distributed in many countries, two others extend to Australia, the remainder are endemic.

A. Inner involucral bracts tvhite and radiating. Heads corymbose.
Stems robust. Leaves 2–4 in. × ¼–¾ in., oblong-lanceolate, 3-nerved beneath. Heads ½ in. diam. 1. G. Lyallii.
Stems slender, prostrate or decumbent. Leaves ½–1 in., obovate-spathulate, faintly 3-nerved above. Heads ½–⅓ in. diam. 2. G. trinerve.
Stems slender. Leaves ½–2½ in. × 1/81/2 in., linear-lanceolate. Heads ⅓ in. diam. 3. G. Keriense.
Stems branched, slender, rigid. Leaves ½–1¼ in. × 1/401/20 in., narrow-linear, margins recurved. Heads ⅓ in. 4. G. subrigidum.
B. Inner involucral bracts not white and radiating.
* Heads solitary, terminal.
Small, 1–4 in. high, simple or branched below. Leaves ⅓–2 in., linear-obovate, white on both surfaces. Head ⅓ in. diam. 5. G. Traversii.
Small, 1–2 in. high, solitary or tufted. Leaves ⅓–1 in., linear-spathulate, white beneath. Heads 1/5 in. diam. 6. G. paludosum.
Small, stems short, tufted. Leaves imbricate, ⅓ in., linear, silky on both surfaces. Head ½ in. diam. 7. G. nitidulum.
** Heads numerous, corymbose, ebracteate.
Stems 3–18 in. Leaves 1–3 in., linear or linear-spathulate, white and woolly on both surfaces 8. G. luteo-album.
*** Heads compacted into a dense glomerule, with linear bracts at the base.
Annual, stems 6–20 in., branched, erect, leafy. Glomerules ½–1 in. diam. 9. G. japonicum.
Perennial, with creeping stolons. Stems 3–12 in., simple. Leaves mostly radical. Glomerules smaller 10. G. collinum.