Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/368

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this being specially the case with those to which, on account of the remarkable habit, the popular name of vegetable sheep has been applied. It is quite possible that several species are confounded under R. eximia and allied forms. All the New Zealand species are endemic, and in addition there are one or two found in Australia and Tasmania.

A. Leptopappus. Pappus-hairs in several series, coinous, very slender, not thickened upwards.
* Inner involucral bracts without white radiating tips.
Leaves 1/12 in., erect or recurved, spathulate, obtuse, white and silvery. Florets 12—20 1. R. australis.
Leaves 1/12 in., spreading or recurved, linear-oblong or spathulate, acute or apiculate, glabrate or tomentose. Florets 10–16 2. R. tenuicaulis.
Leaves 1/15 in., erecto-patent, ovate-subulate from a broad base, glabrate. Florets 4–8 3. R. Haastii.
Leaves 1/81/4 in., spreading and recurved, linear, obtuse, grey with silky tomentum; margins involute. Florets 15–20 4. R. Monroi.
** Inner involucral bracts with white radiating tips.
Stems slender, forming loose patches. Leaves laxly imbricate, erecto-patent, linear-oblong, glabrous or nearly so 5. R. glabra.
Stems stout, matted. Leaves closely imbricate, erectopatent, linear-oblong, silky or glabrate 6. R. subserica.
Stems stout, matted. Leaves closely imbricate, spreading and recurved, obovate-spathulate, densely tomentose 7. R. Parkii.
B. Imbricaria. Pappus-hairs in one series, few, rigid, thickened upwards.
* Inner involucral bracts without white radiating tips.
Leaves spreading, glabrous, rigid, subulate 8. R. subulata.
Forming hard compact masses. Leaves most densely imbricate, linear-obovate, upper ⅓ with a dense tuft of hairs concealing the leaf 9. R. eximia.
Forming broad patches. Leaves ovate, obtuse, clothed with silvery tomentum, grooved on the back when dry 10. R. Hectori.
** Inner involucral bracts with white radiating tips.
Stems tufted, often simple. Leaves 1/61/3 in., ovate-subulate, silvery. Heads large, ⅓–⅔ in. 11. R. grandiflora.
Stems laxly branched. Leaves 1/51/4 in., recurved, obovate-spathulate. Heads ¼ in. Florets 30–50 12. R. Petriensis.
Forming compact masses. Leaves densely imbricate, obovate-spathulate, upper part clothed on both surfaces with dense straight hairs concealing the leaf 13. R. mammillaris.
Forming compact masses. Leaves densely imbricate, obovate-spathulate, upper part clothed on both surfaces with dense straight hairs concealing the leaf, but extreme tip naked. Florets red 14. R. rubra.
Forming compact masses. Leaves densely imbricate, broadly cuneate or flabellate, truncate, tip of upper surface clothed with straight dense hairs, beneath glabrous and corrugated 15. R. Buchanani.