Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/377

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A. Xerochlæna. Herbs. Involucre broad, hemispherical, the outer bracts broad, sessile, passing gradually into the inner ones, which have linear claws and white (or coloured) radiating tips. (The white tips are wanting in H. filicaule and H. Loganii.)
Stems 6–18 in., slender, prostrate. Leaves glabrous above. Heads solitary, large, ½–¾ in. diam. 1. H. bellidioides.
Stems 12–24 in., slender, prostrate. Leaves glabrous above. Heads corymbose, ¼ in. diam. 2. H. Purdiei.
Stems 3–10 in., filiform, erect. Leaves glabrous above. Heads solitary, ¼–⅓ in.; involucral bracts without white radiating tips 3. H. filicaule.
Stems 2–4 in., tufted, ascending. Leaves woolly on both surfaces. Heads corymbose, ¼ in. diam. 4. H. Sinclairii.
Small, densely matted, ½–1½ in. high. Leaves closely imbricate, woolly on both surfaces. Heads solitary, large, ⅓–½ in. diam. 5. H. Youngii.
Small, densely tufted, 1–2 in. Leaves closely imbricate, white and silvery on both surfaces. Heads fascicled, ¼–⅓ in. diam. 6. H. fasciculatum.
Small, forming compact patches. Leaves densely imbricate, tips clothed with long straight hairs. Heads sunk among the terminal leaves; involucral bracts not white and radiating 7. H. Loganii.
B. Leontopodioides. Herbs. Heads small, in dense terminal cymes subtended by broad spreading floral leaves.
Leaves ⅓–¾ in., linear-oblong, tips erect 8. H. Leontopodium
Leaves ¼–⅓ in., oblong-spathulate, tips recurved 9. H. grandiceps.
C. Ozothamnus. Shrubs, often of small size. Heads small, cymose or solitary. Involucral bracts not white or radiating, or very obscurely so.
* Heads in corymbose cymes.
Leaves ovate or orbicular, petiolate 10. H. glomeratum.
Leaves lanceolate, petiolate 11. H. lanceolatum.
** Heads solitary. Leaves densely imbricate, closely appressed to the branch.
Branchlets slender. Leaves in about 6 series, 1/121/10 linear, silky or hoary 12. H. depressum.
Branchlets 1/121/8 in. Leaves in about 4 series, 1/161/12 in. polished and keeled on the back 13. H. microphyllum
Branchlets 1/81/6 in. Leaves in about 6 series, 1/101/6 in., polished and keeled on the back 14. H. Selago.
Branchlets stout, ⅓ in. Leaves in many series, 1/51/4 in., polished and convex on the back 15. H. coralloides.
*** Heads solitary. Leaves closely imbricate, tips spreading and recurved.
Leaves in several series, 1/6 in., oblong, silvery on both surfaces 16. H. pauciflorum.

1. H. bellidioides, Willd. Sp. Plant. iii. 1911.—Stems slender, prostrate, much branched, ahiiost woody at the base, 6–18 in. long; branches numerous, erect or ascending, leafy. Leaves loosely imbricate or almost distant, spreading or recurved, ¼–½ in. long, obovate-spathulate or obovate-oblong, obtuse or apiculate, flat.