Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/401

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** Heads solitary.
Loosely tufted. Leaves ½–3 in., linear. Scape slender, bracteate, ½–3 in. Achenes clavate 3. A. linearis.
Forming broad flat patches. Leaves ⅕–⅓ in., linear or linear-spathulate. Scapes ¼–½ in. 4. A. cæspitosa.
Forming soft rounded patches. Leaves ¼–⅓ in., linear-subulate, broadest at the base. Achenes linear-clavate, 4-ribbed 5. A. inconspicua.
Densely tufted, ½–1 in. high. Leaves narrow-linear, recurved. Achenes linear-clavate, 4-angled 6. A. pusilla.
Very minute. Stems ⅕–¼ in. Leaves 1/7 in., linear-oblong, truncate, margins thickened. Achenes setose, with 4 long bristles 7. A. muscosa.

1. A. spathulata, Hook. f. Handb. N.Z. Fl. 139.—Stems short, loosely tufted, 1–3 in. long, branched, creeping at the base, erect above. Leaves crowded, spreading, ½–1 in. long, 1/101/6 in. broad, narrow linear-spathulate, acute or obtuse, narrowed to the base, 3–7-nerved, flat, coriaceous. Heads about ⅛ in. long, in a small terminal corymb either raised on a short leafy peduncle or almost hidden amongst the upper leaves; involucral bracts 8–12, oblong, with 3 translucent nerves. Florets 8–12; disc-florets with a 4-angled corolla with 4 short erect teeth; corolla of the females tubular with a globose base and 4 short spreading teeth. Achenes of the female florets obovoid, compressed, with 3 cellular ribs; of the disc-florets tetragonous.—Kirk, Students Fl. 330. Trineuron spathulatum, Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. i. 24, t. 17.

Auckland and Campbell Islands: Peaty soil on the hills, 500–2000 ft., Hooker, Kirk! Buchanan! January–February.

2. A. rosulata, Hook. f. Handb. N.Z. Fl. 139.—A small much-branched densely tufted little plant ½–1½ in. high. Leaves closely imbricate, spreading or recurved, the upper rosulate, ¼–⅓ in. long, narrow ovate or lanceolate, acute, rigid and coriaceous, concave above, nerved beneath. Heads 1/10 in. long, in terminal clusters of 3–6 amongst the upper leaves; involucral bracts 8–10, linear-oblong, coriaceous, nerved. Florets 8–10; disc-florets with a 4-angled corolla with 4 short erect teeth; corolla of the female florets tubular with 4 spreading teeth. Achene oblong-obovoid, 4-angled, the angles produced upwards into short horns.—Kirk, Students' Fl. 331. Ceratella rosulata, Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. i. 25, t. 18.

Campbell Island: In crevices of rocks, rare, Hooker, Kirk! 1000–1400 ft. January–February.

A harsh and rigid little plant, easily distinguished from the other species by the short horns to the achenes.

3. A. linearis, Bergg. in Minnesk. Fisiog. Sallsk. Lund. viii. (1877) 14, t. 3, f. 28-38.—Rhizome creeping, branched. Stems slender, tufted, leafy at the base, 1–4 in. high. Leaves radical,