Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/487

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D. Perennial, rarely annual, erect. Radical leaves usually rosulate, crowded; cauline few, in distant pairs, sessile. Flowers large, ¾ in. diam. or more, in terminal cymes or umbels, rarely solitary.
Annual. Flowering stems 6–12 in., sometimes with decumbent branches from the base. Radical leaves ½–1¼ in., ovate or broadly oblong, membranous. Flowers rather small, in involucrate umbels 4. G. chathamica.
Usually perennial. Flowering stems single or more rarely branched from the base, stout, erect, 6–20 in. Leaves yellow-green when dry; radical 1–4 in., linear- or oblong-spathulate; cauline 1–2 distant pairs, linear-oblong. Calyx short 5. G. corymbifera.
Perennial. Flowering stems usually single, very slender, 6–20 in. Leaves black when dry; radical ½–1 in., ovate-lanceolate; cauline 2–5 remote pairs 6. G. Townsoni.
Flowering stems usually single, often tall and stout, 10–24 in. Radical leaves ¾–1½ in., obovate-spathulate; cauline broadly ovate, often cordate at the base 7. G. montana.
Flowering stems one or several, often decumbent below, 5–20 in. Radical leaves 1–3 in., oblong-spathulate, cauline 1–5 opposite pairs. Flowers in lax corymbose cymes or umbels 8. G. patella.
Flowering stems several, short. 1–6 in. Radical leaves ⅓–1½ in., spathulate or linear-spathulate. Flowers in 2–6-flowered cymes or solitary 9. G. bellidifolia.
Flowering stems excessively branched from the base, often forming rounded masses 2–6 in. diam. Radical leaves 1–3 in., oblong- or obovate-spatiiulate. Flowers in dense corymbose cymes 10. G. divisa.
E. Annual, erect. Radical leaves numerous, rosulate, obovate-spathulate; cauline few, petiolate. Flowers in 3–5-flowered involucrate umbels.
Flowering stems several, 4–10 in. Flowers small, ⅓–½ in. diam. Calyx equalling the corolla or nearly so 11. G. Spenceri.
F. Prostrate or decumbent or suberect, leafy. Leaves spathulate; cauline numerous, petiolate. Flowers in few-flowered cymes or clustered at the ends of the branches.
Perennial, prostrate at the base. Leaves ¾–1¾ in., linear-spathulate, long-petioled. Calyx much shorter than the corolla; lobes recurved at the tip 12. G. saxosa.
Perennial, prostrate at the base, 4–14 in. Leaves ½–1½ in., obovate-spathulate, fleshy, shining. Calyx almost equalling the corolla; lobes not recurved 13. G. cerina.
Annual, ascending or erect, 1–4 in. Leaves ⅓–1 in., linear-oblong. Calyx almost equalling the corolla 14. G. concinna.
G. Stout, erect, 3–10 in. high, fastigiately branched, densely leafy. Flowers small,in. long, almost hidden by the cauline leaves and bracts.
Annual. Radical leaves 1–2 in., oblong or oblong-spathulate 15. G. antarctica.
Perennial. Radical leaves ¾–1¼ in., lingulate or linear-spathulate 16. G. antipoda.