Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/535

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Leaves ⅓–¾ in., elliptic-ovate, margins red. Racemes 2–3 in. long. Flowers large, pale violet-blue, ⅓–½ in. diam. Calyx-segments acute, equalling the short corolla-tube 29. V. Balfouriana.
Leaves ½–¾ × ⅙–⅓ in., ovate-lanceolate to narrow elliptic-oblong, acute, flat, glaucous. Racemes ¾–1½ in. long. Flowers white, ¼ in. diam. Calyx-segments broadly ovate, almost as long as the corolla-tube 30. V. Darwiniana.
Leaves ½–1 × ⅙–⅓ in., elliptic-oblong or elliptic-lanceolate, acute, keeled or flat, often close-set. Racemes 1–3 in. long. Flowers white, ¼ in. diam. Calyx-segments broadly oblong, obtuse, corolla-tube nearly twice as long as the calyx (longer in var. elegans) 31. V. Traversii.
Leaves ¾–1½ × ⅕–⅓ in., lanceolate, acute or subacute, flat. Racemes 1–2 in. long. Calyx-segments ovate-lanceolate, acute. Corolla-tube scarcely longer than the calyx; limb longer than the tube 32. V. subalpina.
Leaves ¼–⅔ × ⅙–⅓ in., obovate-oblong, flat, obtuse or apiculate, often distichous. Racemes ½–1½ in. Calyx-segments oblong, obtuse, equalling the corolla-tube. Capsule twice as long as the calyx or more 33. V. vernicosa.
Leaves ¾–1 × ¼–⅓ in., narrow-obovate, obtuse, flat or nearly so. Racemes 1–2 in., lax. Calyx-segments ovate-oblong, obtuse. Corolla-tube slightly longer than the calyx 34. V. obovata.
Leaves ⅔–1 × ⅓–½ in., obovate-oblong or elliptic-oblong, obtuse or subacute, slightly concave, usually close-set. Racemes 1–1½ in. long. Calyx-segments oblong-ovate, obtuse. Corolla-tube scarcely longer than the calyx 35. V. monticola.
Leaves ⅓–⅔ × ¼–⅓ in., oblong or obovate-oblong, obtuse, flat, glaucous beneath, black when dry; branchlets pubescent. Racemes ½–1 in. Flowers ¼–⅓ in., white. Calyx-segments ovate-oblong, obtuse. Corolla-tube as long as the calyx 36. V. Cockayniana.
*** Flowers spicate (often racemose in V. decumbens). Spikes usually simple. Leaves close-set, imbricate, concave, rounded or keeled at the back.
Leaves ⅓–¾ × ⅕–⅓ in., obovate-oblong, closely imbricate, keeled, truncate or subcordate at the base. Spikes crowded at the ends of the branches; bracts large, coriaceous 37. V. buxifolia.
Leaves ⅓–¾ × ⅛–⅕ in., linear-oblong, keeled. Spikes crowded, forming a short terminal panicle. Corolla often 3-lobed, the auticous lobe either suppressed or very small 38. V. anomala.
Leaves ⅓–¾ × ⅕–⅓ in., oblong-obovate, flat or slightly concave, margins bright-red. Racemes short, dense. Calyx-segments ovate, acute. Corolla-tube twice as long as the calyx. Capsule ovate, acute, glabrous 39. V. decumbens.
Leaves ⅓–¾ × ¼–½ in., ovate, margins fringed with long soft hairs. Racemes slightly longer than the leaves, densely villous. Calyx-segments lanceolate, acute. Corolla-tube nearly twice as long as the calyx 40. V. Gibbsii.
Leaves ⅓–¾ × ⅕–⅔ in., broadly obovate or suborbicular, deeply concave, glaucous, nerveless. Spikes crowded, short, stout, dense. Calyx-segments obtuse, equalling the corolla-tube. Capsule ovate, acute, glabrous 41. V. carnosula.