Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/785

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1. LEMNA, Linn.

Fronds proliferous from the sides near the base, with one or several delicate root-fibres descending from the under-surface. Flowers in marginal clefts of the fronds. Filaments slender; anthers didymous, 2-celled; pollen globose, muricate. Ovary with 1–7 ovules. Fruit a 1–7-seeded utricle. Seeds erect or horizontal; embryo conic or ovoid.

A small genus of 8 or 9 species, most of them of almost worldwide distribution. The two following are all that are positively known to occur in New Zealand, but others will probably be found.

Root single. Fronds broadly ovate, thin, almost flat on both surfaces. Ovule solitary 1. L. minor.
Root single. Fronds broadly ovate, thick, conspicuously tumid beneath. Ovules 2 2. L. gibba.

1. L. minor, Linn. Sp. Plant. 970.—Root solitary, the sheath at its base without appendages. Frond symmetrical, ⅛–¼ in. long, ovate or oblong, nearly flat on both surfaces, green above, paler beneath; young ones growing from one side but soon becoming disconnected. Spathe unequally 2-lipped. Stamens 2, appearing successively (each a distinct male flower). Style rather long. Seed horizontal, hemi-anatropal, albuminous.—Hook. f. Fl. Nov. Zel. i. 239; Handb. N.Z. Fl. 278; Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 163; Hegelm. Lemn. 141, t. 9, 10.

North and South Islands: Still waters, abundant throughout. Sea-level to 2000 ft. Duckweed. Almost cosmopolitan in its distribution.

2. L. gibba, Linn. Sp. Plant. 970.—Root solitary, the sheath at its base elongate, cylindric, rootcap acute. Frond symmetrical, ¼–⅓ in. long, thick and spongy, flat above, convex beneath; young ones growing from one side, but soon separating. Spathe sac-like. Stamens 2. Ovules 2 or more. Utricle bursting transversely. Seeds erect, anatropous; albumen scanty or wanting.—Hook. f. Fl. Nov. Zel. i. 239; Handb. N.Z. Fl. 278; Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 163; Hegelm. Lemn. 145, t. 11–13.

North Island: Poverty Bay, Colenso.

I have seen no New Zealand specimens of this species, which is almost as widely distributed as L. minor. It is recognised at a glance by the conspicuously tumid under-surface of the frond.


Submerged or floating fresh-water or marine aquatic plants, or marsh herbs. Stems often elongated, slender, branched, jointed; sometimes short and almost wanting. Leaves very various, altogether submerged and translucent, or floating and opaque, or all radical, sheathing at the base; stipules wanting or interpetiolar,