Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/849

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Culms slender, 2–3 ft., often elongating in fruit. Leaves 1/101/8 in., keeled. Spikelets 5–10, distant; terminal 2–4 male; female slender, pendulous on long filiform peduncles, lower often compound 41. C. Solandri.
Culms stout. Leaves broad. Spikelets 8; terminal 2–3 male; females erect on short peduncles, not compound 42. C. ventosa.
Culms stout, 2–3 ft. Leaves ⅙–⅕ in. broad. Spikelets 5–7; 2 terminal male; female short and stout, ⅓ in. diam., the lowest remote. Utricles ovoid 43. C. longiculmis.
Culms very tall and robust, 2–4 ft. Leaves ⅓–½ in. broad. Spikelets 6–12, 2–5 in. long, very stout; terminal 2–4 male. Utricles stipitate, obovoid-oblong 44. C. trifida.
†† Utricles pubescent, hardly spreading when ripe; beak short. Nut with a swollen style-base.
Culms 1–4 in. high, overtopped by the leaves. Spikelets 2–5, small, green, closely approximate 45. C. breviculmis.
††† Utricles glabrous, spreading when ripe; beak short.
Rhizome long, creeping. Culms 4–8 in. Leaves much longer, glaucous. Spikelets 3–6. Utricles large, ¼ in. long, ovoid, turgid, corky, smooth 46. C. pumila.
Rhizome tufted. Culms 6–16 in., slender. Leaves shorter. Spikelets 3–4, small. Utricles ⅛ in. long, broadly oblong, turgid, strongly nerved, dark-brown 47. C. Brownii.
†††† Utricles glabrous, spreading when ripe (except in C. vaccilans), strongly costate-nerved, narrowed into a long and slender acutely 2-toothed beak (beak shorter and obscurely toothed in C. Cockayniana).
Yellowish-green. Culms 2–8 in. Spikelets 3–8, small, stout, approximate. Utricles suddenly nSrrowed into a long beak 48. C. flava.
Culms slender, 1–2 ft. Leaves harsh. Spikelets 4–9, distant, very slender, about ⅛ in. broad. Utricles fusiform, hardly spreading 49. C. vaccilans.
Culms rather slender, 1–2 ft. Leaves harsh. Spikelets 5–8, distant, ⅕–¼ in. broad; terminal one often mixed with female flowers. Utricles elliptic-lanceolate; beak short, obscurely 2-toothed 50. C. Cockayniana.
Culms stout or slender, 1–3 ft. Leaves harsh. Spikelets 5–9, distant or the upper approximate; terminal one always largely mixed with female flowers. Utricles elliptic-lanceolate; beak long 51. C. semi-Forsteri.
Culms stout, 1½–3 ft. Leaves harsh. Spikelets 5–9, distant; terminal 1–3 wholly male. Utricles ellipticoblong; beak long 52. C. Forsteri.
Culms stout or slender, 1–3 ft. Leaves soft, grassy. Spikelets 3–5, approximate or the lowermost remote; terminal one male. Utricles ovate-lanceolate, stipitate; beak long, linear, with 2 almost pungent teeth 53. C. pseudo-cyperus.

C. Haastiana, Boeckel. in Flora (1878), 168, collected by Haast in the South Island, and C. Krullii, Boeckel. l.c. (1882) 59, gathered by Krull in the Chatham Islands, are unknown to me. I have also failed to identify C. quadrangulata, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xvii. (1885) 254. C. divisa, Huds.; C. muricata, L. (but not of Cheesem. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xvi. 411); C. flacca, Schreb. (C. glauca, Scop.); and C. longifolia, R. Br., are certainly not indigenous, and will be found in the list of naturalised species given at the end of this work.