Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/985

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5. T. Colensoi, Hook. f. Ic. Plant. t. 979.—Pendulous from rocks or from the trunks of trees. Rhizome wide-creeping, branched, capillary, more or less tomentose. Stipes short, slender, naked. Fronds rather distant, 2–5 in. long, ½–1 in. broad, oblong-lanceolate or linear-oblong, acuminate, quite glabrous, membranous, dark-green, 3-pinnatifid; rhachis slender, not winged. Primary pinnæ 5–12 pairs, remote, shortly stalked, pinnate at the base, pinnatifid above. Ultimate segments very narrow-linear, acute, quite entire; a central costa only in each segment. Sori solitary on the upper side of a pinna near its base and thus appearing axillary, erect, stipitate, quite free. Indusium tubular, the mouth slightly dilated. Receptacle usually exserted as a long capillary bristle.— Fl. Nov. Zel. ii. 17; Handb. N.Z. Fl. 357; Hook. and Bak. Syn. Fil. 85; Thoms. N.Z. Ferns, 47; Field, N.Z. Ferns, 71, t. 22, f. 3.

North Island: Auckland—Ravines at Mamaku, near Rotorua, J. Stewart! Lake Waikaremoana, Colenso! Taranaki—Mount Egmont Ranges, J. M. Brame. Wellington—Tararua Ranges, Buchanan! South Island: Nelson—Near Collingwood, Travers, Dall! Takaka Valley and West Wanganui, Kingsley. Canterbury—Banks Peninsula, Armstrong. Westland—Near Okarito, A. Hamilton! Otago—Vicinity of Dunedin, Buchanan! A. Hamilton! Lake Wanaka, Haast. Sea-level to 3000 ft.

Well distinguished by the finely cut fronds with distant pinnæ and very narrow-linear acute segments. Its nearest ally is the South American T. capillaceum, L.

6. T. strictum, Menz. ex Hook, and Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 122.—Rhizome very short, erect or inclined, stout, woody, emitting many long wiry rootlets. Fronds numerous, crowded at the top of the rhizome. Stipes 2–4 in. long, stiff, erect, terete, naked or narrowly margined above, furnished with a tuft of red-brown bristles at the base. Fronds 3–6 in. long, 1½–2½ in. broad, lanceolate or linear-oblong, acuminate, rigidly erect, yellowish-green, 3–4-pinnatifid; rhachis narrowly winged throughout or the wing evanescent in the lower part. Primary pinnæ close-set, lanceolate, ascending or spreading, the lower sometimes reduced in size; secondary pinnatifid. Ultimate segments narrow-linear, flat, entire, glabrous; texture firm; costa stout, unbranched. Sori usually not very numerous, terminating short segments near the base of the upper margin of the secondary pinnæ. Indusium quite free, erect, funnel-shaped, mouth dilated all round. Receptacle exserted, capillary.—A. Rich. Fl. Nouv. Zel. 95; Hook. Sp. Fil. i. 136; Hook. f. Fl. Nov. Zel. ii. 17; Handb. N.Z. Fl. 356; Hook. and Bak. Syn. Fil. (edit. 2) 466; Thoms. N.Z. Ferns, 47. T. leptophyllum, A. Cunn. Precur. n. 232; Raoul, Choix, 38. T. Cunninghamii, Van der Bosch. T. rigidum var. strictum. Field, Ferns N.Z. 72, t. 28, f. 3.

North Island: Damp forests from Hokianga southwards to Wellington, but far from common. South Island: Nelson—Massacre Bay, Lyall, Travers;