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'Must I be afraid for two, then?'

'For two, said the Crab, 'and as many more as may come after.'

'My brother, the Bull, had a better fate, said Leo, sullenly; 'he is alone.'

A hand covered his mouth before he could finish the sentence, and he found the Girl in his arms, Womanlike, she had not stayed where Leo had left her, but had hastened off at once to know the worst, and passing all the other Houses, had come straight to Cancer.

'That is foolish, said the Girl, whispering. 'I have been waiting in the dark for long and long before you came. Then I was afraid. But now ' She put her head down on his shoulder and sighed a sigh of contentment.

'I am afraid now,' said Leo.

'That is on my account,' said the Girl 'TI know it is, because I am afraid for your sake. Let us go, husband.'

They went out of the darkness together and came back to the Earth, Leo very silent, and the Girl striving to cheer him. 'My brother's fate is the better one,' Leo would repeat from time to time, and at last he said: 'Let us each go our own way and live alone till we die. We were born into the House of Cancer, and he will come for us.'

'I know; I know, But where shall I go? And where will you sleep in the evening? But let us try. I will stay here. Do you go on?'

Leo took six steps forward very slowly, and three long steps backward very quickly, and the third step set him again at the Girl's side. This time it was she