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General Lists of New Works

Liddell & Scott's Abridged Greek- English Lexicon. Square 12mo. 7*. 6d.

Longman's Pocket GJerman and English Dictionary. 18mo. 5*.

Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings. 2 vols.Svo. 21*. 1 vol. crown 8vo. 4*. 6d.

— Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches. Crown 8vo. 6j.

— Miscellaneous Writings, Speeches, Lays of Ancient Rome, &c. Cabinet Edition. 4 vols, crown Svo. 24*.

Mahaffy'8 Classical Greek Literature. Crown Svo. Vol. I. the Poets, 7a. 6d.

Vol. II. the Prose Writers, 75. 6d. Milner's Country Pleasures. Crown bvo. 65.

Mtiller's (Max) Lectures on the Science of Language. 2 vols, crown Svo. 16ji. Owen's Evenings with the Skeptics. 2 vols. Svo. 32*. Rich's Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities. Crown Svo. 7*. 6d. Rogers's Eclipse of Faith. Fcp. Svo. 5s. « 

— Defence of the Edipse of Faith Fcp. Svo. 35. 6d.

Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. Crown Svo. lOs. 6d. Savile's Apparitions, a Narrative of Facts. Crown Svo. 5s. Selections from the Writings of Lord Macaulay. Crown Svo. 6*. Simcox's Latin Classical Literature. 2 vols. Svo. White & Riddle's Large Latin-English Dictionary. 4to. 21*. White's Concise Latin-English Dictionary. Royal Svo. 12*. — Junior Student's Lat.-Eng. and Eng.-Lat. Dictionary. Square 12mo. 12j.

Q-„„_„ . „,_ f The English-Latin Dictionary, 5.j. Gd.

sseparateiy ^ r^j^^ Latin-English Dictionary, Is. 6d.

Wilson's Studies of Modern Mind &c. Svo. 125. Wit and Wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith. 16mo. 3s. Gd. Yonge's EngHsh-Greek Lexicon. Square 12mo. 85. 6d. 4to. 21#, The Essays and Contributions of A. K. H. B. Crown Svo.

Autumn Holidays of a Country Parson. 3*. 6d.

Changed Aspects of Unchanged Truths. 3s. 6d.

Common-place Philosopher in Town and Country. 35. 6d.

Counsel and Comfort spoken from a City Pulpit. 3j. 6d.

Critical Essays of a Country Parson. Bs. Gd.

Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson. Three Series, 3*. Gd. each.

Landscapes, Churches, and Moralities. 35. 6d.

Leisure Hours in Town. 35. Gd. Lessons of Middle Age. 35. Gd.

Our Little Life. Essays Consolatory and Domestic. 35. 6d.

Present-day Thoughts. 35. Gd.

Recreations of a Country Parson. Three Series, 35. Gd. each.

Seaside Musing? on Sundays and Week-Days. 3j. 6d.

Sunday Afternoons in the Parish Church of a University City. 3i. Gd.


Freeman's Historical Geography of Europe. 2 vols. Svo. 315. 6d,

Herschel's Outlines of Astronomy. Square crown Svo. 125.

Keith Johnston's Dictionary of Geography, or General Gazetteer. Svo. 425.

I^^on's Work on the Moon. Medium Svo. 3l5. Gd.

Proctor's Essays on Astronomy. Svo. 125. Proctor's Moon. Crown Svo. IO5. Gd.

— Larger Star Atlas. Folio, 155. or Maps only, 125. Gd.

— New Star Atlas. Crown Svo. 55. Orbs Around Us. Crown 870. 75. Gd.

— Other Worlds than Ours. Crown Svo. IO5. 6d.

— Sun. Crown Svo. 145, Universe of Stars. Svo. IO5. Gd. Smith's Air and Rain. Svo. 245.

London, LONGMANS & CO.