Page:Marcus Aurelius (Haines 1916).djvu/443

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Fabiua Vibulanus killed with nearly the whole Fabian Gens at the Cremera, in 479
  • Camillus, founder of the New Rome, iv. 33
  • Capreae, an island off Campania, XII. 27. The supposed scene of Tiberius's debaucheries (Tacitus)
  • Carnuntum, II. 17 ad. fin. The headquarters of Marcus in the German war (171–3, a.d., Eutrop. vin. 13) near Vienna, now Haimburg
  • Carpophorus, the Fruit-bearer,i.e., the Earth (or Demeter), vi. 43 Catullinus, Fabius, xii. 27. Perhaps the consul of 130 a.d.
  • Catulus, Cinna, a Stoic philosopher, i. 13
  • Cato, of Utica, i. 14; (?) the Censor, iv. 33, cp. Fronto, ad Caes., ii. 13; Uni M. Porcio me dedicavi atque despondi atque delegavi (Marcus aged 23)
  • Cecrops, city of, (Athens) quotation from Aristophanes, iv. 23
  • Celer, Caninius, a Greek rhetorician and Hadrian's secretary, viii. 25; and one of the teachers of Marcus, see Capit., ii. 4
  • Chabrias, a freedman or favourite of Hadrian, viii. 37
  • Chaldaeans (astrologers), iii. 3
  • Charax, unknown, mentioned for his acuteness, viii. 25
  • Christians, xi. 3. See Index I.
  • Chrysippus, establisher of Stoicism, named with Socrates and Epictetus, vii. 19; on the function of ribald lines in a play, vi. 42 (quoted with disapproval); simile of cylinder (Aul. Cell., vii. 2, 1), x. 33, § 2
  • Cithaeron, (Soph. Oed. Rex, 1390), probably quoted from Epictetus xi. 6
  • Cleanthes, a possible reference to his great hymn to Zeus, x. 28
  • Clotho, the Weaver of the Web of Fate, iv. 34
  • Crates, a Theban Cynic, of caustic wit, quoted for a remark on Xenocrates (perhaps on τῦφος), vi. 13; cp. under Monimus
  • Crito, friend of Socrates and Xenophon, x. 31
  • Croesus, type of departed grandeur, x. 27
  • Demetrius, the Platonist (for whom, and not to his credit, see Lucian, Calumn. 16), viii. 25. But Arethas refers to this passage in a note on Lucian, De Salt. 63, where the Demetrius spoken of is the Cynic, the friend of Thrasea (cp. also, Lucian, Demon. 3; Adv. Ind. 19). Consequently ὁ Πλατωνικὸς would seem to be an error for Κυνικός; of Phalerum. the distinguished orator, statesman, and philosopher of Athens. circa 300, ix. 29, but Schenkl obelizes ὁ Φαληρεύς
  • Democrates, a Pythagorean philosopher, from whom is taken (so Prof. Schenkl in loc.) the quotation, "The Universe is transformation, and Life is opinion," iv. 3
  • Democritus of Abdera, death, by lice, iii. 3; "do not many things," iv. 24; "all things by law," vii. 31; atoms, vii. 31 (see also under "Epicurus")
  • Dentatus (Wyse's emendation for Λεοννάτος), conqueror of the Samnites and Pyrrhus, iv. 33
  • Diogenes, the Cynic, mentioned with Heraclitus and Socrates, viii. 3, as writer of plays, xi. 6
  • Diognetus, i. 6. Some connect him with the recipient of the Christian Epistle to Diognetus
  • Dion, i. 14, generally taken to be the Syracusan Dion. But Dion of Prusa was a truer philosopher and better man, and he matches better with Thrasea and Helvidius. Moreover, Arethas (?) twice quotes Marcus in notes to Dio (see under "Arethas," Index i.)
  • Diotimus, a freedman or favourite of Hadrian, viii. 25, 37
  • Domitius (Dometius), i. 13. The Domitii were maternal (adoptive) ancestors of Marcus