Page:Marcus Aurelius (Haines 1916).djvu/53

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15. From Maximus,[1] self-mastery and stability of purpose; and cheeriness in sickness as well as in all other circumstances; and a character justly proportioned of sweetness and gravity; and to perform without grumbling the task that lies to one's hand.

And the confidence of every one in him that what he said was also what he thought, and that what he did was done with no ill intent. And not to shew surprise, and not to be daunted; never to be hurried, or hold back, or be at a loss, or downcast, or smile a forced smile, or, again, be ill-tempered or suspicious.

And beneficence[2] and placability and veracity; and to give the impression of a man who cannot deviate from the right way rather than of one who is kept in it[3]; and that no one could have thought himself looked down upon by him, or could go so far as to imagine himself a better man than he; and to keep pleasantry within due bounds.

16. From my Father,[4] mildness, and an unshakable adherence to decisions deliberately come to; and no empty vanity in respect to so-called honours; and a love of work and thoroughness; and a readiness to hear any suggestions for the common good; and an inflexible determination to give every man his due; and to know by experience when is the time to insist and when to desist; and to suppress all passion for boys.[5]

  1. i. 16, § 9; viii. 25. See Capit. iii. 2; Index II.
  2. Marcus raised a temple to Εὐεργεσία, a new deity. See Dio 71. 34, § 3.
  3. cp. iii. 5.
  4. Here Pius, his adoptive father, is meant, not as above (i. 2) his father Verus. For a first sketch of this eulogy of Pius see below vi. 30.
  5. It is not quite clear whether this means that Pius had put away this vice from himself or others, but the active verb seems rather to favour the latter view. Capit. Vit. Pii ii. 1, calls him clarus moribus (cp. also Aur. Vict. de Caes. xv.), but Julian says he was σώφρων οὐ τὰ ἐς Ἀφροδίτην.