Page:Maria Felicia.pdf/271

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their great distress that the proclaimed liberty was not extended to them, for the Emperor was not aware that such a sect existed in his empire. He supposed that the burning of the Bydžovs had exterminated the hated heretics. They regretted that they had trusted in the Emperor’s words, for they were dealt with very severely.

It was rumored that their faith was found full of heresies when preachers of other denominations examined it; that the Brethren were simply remnants of the ancient Adamites, and that their eccentric behavior must be suppressed to prevent the dissemination of the evil doctrines. The priests were directed to make efforts to bring the Brethren back into the bosom of the Holy Religion, and if they objected too strongly, to try to get them at least to accept the Augsburg Confession of Faith. From those who remained obstinate, their children were taken and placed in Catholic families to be brought up, and the parents, with the remaining Brethren who held to their faith, were exiled into Transylvania. The