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of Doctor Faustus

is within at dinner, with Valdes and Cornelius, as this Wine if it could speake would informe your worships: and so the Lord blesse you, preserve you, and keepe you my deare brethren.


1. Sch.
O Faustus then I fear yt which I have long suspected,
That thou art fallen into that damned Art,
For which they two are infamous thorow the world.

2. Sch.
Were he a stranger not allied to me,
The danger of his soule would make me mourne:
But come let us goe, and informe the Rector,
It may be his grave counsell may reclaime.

1. Sch.
I fear mee nothing will reclaime him now.

2. Sch.
Yet let us see what wee can doe. Exeunt.

Thunder. Enter Lucifer and Four devils, Faustus to
them with this speech

Now that the gloomy Shadow of the Night,
Longing to view Orions drisling looke,
Leapes from the Antarticke World unto the skie,
And dims the Welkin with his pitchy breath:
Faustus begin thine Incantations,
And try if Devils will obey thy Hest,
Seeing thou hast prai'd and sacrific'd to them.
Within this circle is Jehova's name,
Forward and backward Annagrammatiz'd:
Th'abreviated names of holy Saints,
Figures of every adjunct to the heavens,
And Characters of Signes and erring Starres,
By which the spirits are inforc'd to rise:
Then feare not Faustus to be resolute,
And trie the utmost Magicke can performe:

Thunder. Sint mihi Dii acherontis propitii, valeat numen triplex Jehovæ ignei Aerii, Aquitani spiritus salvete: Orientis Princeps Belzebub, inferni ardentis Monarcha & Demigorgon, propitiamus vos, ut appareat, & surgat Mephostophilis Dragon, quod tumeraris: per Jehovam, gehennam &
