Page:Marquis de Sade - Adelaide of Brunswick.djvu/118

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cuss a matter of great importance with the illustrious Krimpser. They were obliged to spend the night under the trees where they were guarded by six men. The next morning a man was sent to Krimpser to tell him that three Bavarian gentlemen requested the honor of speaking with him. After a while the ambassador came back saying that they could not obtain this favor unless they were unarmed.

"You see how you are being humiliated," said Mersburg. "I warned you about this."

"And suppose we refuse to disarm?" said Frederick.

"Well, in that case, you will not see our general and we will be obliged to put you in our dungeons," said the man.

"If that is the type of adventures you promised me," said Mersburg to Frederick, "you will have to admit that it would have been better if I had never left home."

They were forced to make up their minds at once since the laws of Krimpser would not allow very long delays.

"Let's go to him," said Frederick laying aside his arms, an example which the other two followed. "What brings me here," said the prince, "is too important for my happiness not to sacrifice even honor."

"You will not lose your honor," said the one who was in charge of taking them to the bandit. "Your arms will be returned to you as soon as the interview is over. One is not dishonored by bowing before the man who makes half of Europe tremble."

They arrived in the reception room of Krimpser who was lying on a pile of arms. He did not get up and even insisted that his visitors remain standing with their heads bare. He first asked them many questions before he listened to what they had to say. Finally Frederick was able to ask him some questions. Here Krimpser although faithful to the laws of honor and gratitude, used a few ruses to carry out some orders which had been given him and for which he had certainly received much money.

"Sir," he said to Frederick whom he had recognized, "the one you are seeking is your wife, isn't she?"

"She is the woman who reigns over my heart and for the