Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/110

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Galloping Dick

“Come, now,” said I, finding there was little time to be exchanged upon these ceremonies, with the mongrels baying below. “Come, now, there is no manner of hurt in an honest rebel against his King, and if you will but serve me by a generous silence, I will e’en pick my way forth of your house by the proper gates, as comfortable as a footboy.” There came some voices at that instant from without in the alley, whereat she gave a gasp.

“Oh! they must not take you,” she said eagerly. “You must be hid.”

“Faith,” I replied, “I do not ask a privilege so far, but if I may have the space of your walls for passage I will make my own meat at the end, if needs be.”

“No, no!” she said, seeming bewildered, “they will be clamouring at the door.”

Now this was likely enough, as I guessed, but what course else was before me, with none but a girl’s petticoats ’twixt me and Newgate, I was at a loss to conceive; and as for that, there was not even petticoats, as it seemed, in the case.