Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/119

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Of the Lady’s Chamber

to it not to throw my arms about her on the spot and take the privilege she proffered with such a gust. But instead, “Faith,” said I promptly, “but the character will fit me with all my heart; and a handsomer wife ’twere hard to find the length of Town,” says I.

“Why, for that matter, and the husband, too, is uncommon,” she retorted, smiling at me roundly.

There was that in her eyes that drew me, and in a manner they seemed to communicate with me. But that passed on the instant, and she was laughing lightly the next second.

“Lard!” she cried, “’tis a pretty plot. O my Sol!” and turns to her sister. “Sis, sis, I’ll warrant to save him, the pretty rogue. He is no lover of thine, child, but mine own unlawful husband. Fie, what is come to your cheeks, you jealous minx?” and pushed her with a laughing contempt.

But Miss was looking askew, though I had no eyes for her at the time; and then again the noise of the traps was repeated, and there was the sound of footsteps in the house.