Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/129

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Of the Lady’s Chamber

us. And he was no sooner set at the board than he recovered his wits and made play with the victuals with a good spirit. As for me, Lord! I keep still the remembrance of the company, and the viands, very lively. Her ladyship was pleased to sit next me, and all the time was chattering like a nest of magpies, laughing and jesting and plying me with her eyes in a way that warmed me even more than the wine. Miss sat t’other side, seeming rather demure, and the little old gentleman divided himself between gulping down his food and ogling at her ladyship. I was hollow in the midriff myself, and there were good things enough about us, and so I was pretty comfortable at the first. But after a little, and when we were well on in wine, it suited her ladyship to give a turn to her tongue that was not to my liking. ’Twas that damned Wilkins as had put it in her head, and the more she pursued me the shriller the old scarecrow opposite screamed out his hee-hee-hee, and cackled like a parrot. Now, for all my experience of women, and I have encountered them of all qualities, I am