Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/142

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Galloping Dick

turning, found her ladyship fair rolling on the couch with laughter.

“O Ryder, dear!” she cried, “you are an uncommon entertainment. Faith, you capture my heart.”

But here again there was an interposition upon us; for Miss came hastily into the room with a billet for her ladyship.

“O Gemini!” cries her ladyship. “Foh, what is this? You interrupt us. I want not your bills. Lord, you should ha’ seen my Sir Paul with Sir Charles here. Troth, there’s comedy left in life.” And with that her eyes fell upon the superscription of the letter, and she gave a start, and sat up quickly.

But while I was wondering what this might mean, for I saw that she was flustered, Miss came up, and “May I have a word with you, sir?” she said in a low voice.

“Certainly,” said I, “and a thousand for such a pretty face.”

Her lip curled a little, but she made no reply to that, beginning in quite another vein.

“Sir,” she said, “I know not who or what