Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/173

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Of the King’s Treasure

galloped down the road in a state of panic. But this was no time for considerations of her, and, in truth, I knew she would make for her old stables; so, gripping my tool, I rushed up to where Zacchary was being hard pressed by three stout fellows, who were hacking at him with point and edge, and driving him step by step into the ditch. As I sprang forward, it ran in my head to wonder where the Devil was Creech, for I had seen nothing of him since he had fallen in the collision, and he might be food for maggots by now. But there and then was the wonder answered, and, indeed, I might have guessed it sooner had I not been so occupied. For there was some ten or so of the escort to start with, and now but four remained, and of the dead I could lay but two to my credit, besides the coachman. Well, just as I pounced on the nearest man that was swiping at Zacchary, a shot rang out, and slap he goes upon his face, wriggling a little. I turned at that, and there was Dan, sure enough, the white light of the moon, which shone forth again, striking on his black face, right in the middle of the frightened