Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/175

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Of the King’s Treasure

shifting. Then I drew off somehow, and opened my eyes. It was the plunging of the scared horses that was shaking the coach, and as I looked my gaze fell stupidly upon the fellow under the wheels, who was struggling to rise in a feeble fashion. The horses backed and jumped forward, and the wheel dragged over his neck, and after that he stirred no more.

Then it seemed to me that there was a long pause. There was a cricket buzzing in my ears, and a flock of sheep came dancing before my eyes, lavolting up and down. But after a time I looked about, and there was silence on the night; and then again someone came running up against me, and I heard Zacchary’s voice, crying in a jubilant tone, “I ha’ killed three, Dick,” says he, “I ha’ killed three,” slapping me on the shoulder.

“Damn you,” says I, “keep your hands off me, you dung-fork,” and then I burst out laughing. Zacchary’s face was pretty plain by this time, and I saw him looking at me.

“Ha’ they done you?” he says.