Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/180

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Galloping Dick

lamb, for a turn to Tyburn. Just as these considerations turned sharply in my mind, and I was vaguely revolving the chance of an escape from the quandary I had run into with so much pains, the man on the box pulled up, and we came to a stop abreast of a patch of wood. The dead fellow that was jumping about on the roof settled down quietly at that, and I had but time to follow his example and lie flat between the seats as the moon shone forth once more, when the man skipped down lightly from his perch and, coming round the coach, opened the door. This tickled my curiosity, and by edging myself along I could thrust my nose over the roof and observe his movements. Then it was for the first time that the full design of this abominable plot was revealed to me; for the moonlight struck clear upon his face, and it was the face of the wrynecked scoundrel, Timothy Grubbe. I had well-nigh screamed out in my rage to discover his double perfidy, but I kept the oaths under and watched him closely. He scrambled into the coach, and reappeared next instant, carrying in his arms