Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/189

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Of the King’s Treasure

admit that I was a little dashed myself. “But there is no evidence,” says his worship, frowning. “There is none to speak to the truth of either.”

And at that word I took a notion that sent the blood spinning in my veins and brought me to my feet very solemn and certain. I have always come out of difficulties upon the proper side, in some degree by the favour of fortune, but the more, I take it, thanks to my own ingenious wit. And here was the chance to turn to account an idle humour, which I had till now regarded more as a piece of reckless folly.

“As to that,” says I slowly, “there’s plenty to speak to my identity, but it is an ill hour to fetch ’em from Town.” Timothy Grubbe grinned. “Yet I am loth to keep your worship in suspense,” I says, “and myself under so foolish a suspicion, and, faith, we’ll e’en put up with a witness or two in Dartford, an’ it like your worship.”

Timothy shot a sharp glance at me, and the Justice gave a sigh of relief. “Come,” says