Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/206

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Galloping Dick

and bowing to the Judge, raising his eyes to the ceiling, and gesticulating like the gross ape he was. I paid little heed myself, being long past patience after the first ten minutes; but presently out pops some one from the crowd, and ere I knew it, was swearing away as to what I had done here, and what coat I wore, and how his arm was a-bleeding, with other matter of the sort.

“’Twas a bloody deed, my Lord,” says he, and looks at me fearfully.

I knew the oaf now for the rascal of the gentleman I had run through at Petersfield. It was a flagrant piece of foolishness, for sure, was that Petersfield job: in broad daylight too, and within a mile of the town!

“Do you recognise him?” asks his Lordship.

“Yes, my Lord,” says the fellow.

“You are sure?” says his Lordship: “look at him.”

The coachman turned a frightened glance upon me, for he was in a rare panic, and I shot him a black look full of menace.