Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/212

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Galloping Dick

the gaoler poked his nose over the doorway? I roared like a bull at him, rattling my irons furiously and flinging my body upon the stones till you would have thought that all the devils were collected out of Christendom in that one corner. The gaoler himself, with whom I had been upon terms previously, took affright at me, and not without reason, for I threw my hands in his face when he entered with my food, grinding my teeth at him till the edges cracked. ’Twas small wonder soon that I got the name of being a bedlam: the appreciation of death having, as they said, robbed me of my senses. And then it came about that not one of them would venture into the dungeon. Lord, it fairly split me to see ’em run when I charged at the doorway. But this was a piece of my policy, for I guessed very well what would happen; and sure enough, after this had gone forward for a couple of days, in marched the Ordinary for to quiet me with the consolations of religion, by the Governor’s command. He entered in a trembling state, his knees giving as he came, but I sat sullen in my corner